the first European festival on creativity


Umberto Curi

Umberto Curi

is Emeritus Professor of History of Philosophy at the university of Padua and teaches at the Vita-Salute San Raffaele University in Milan. He was visiting professor at the universities of Los Angeles and Boston, and he held lectures at many world universities Barcelona, Berlin, Buenos Aires, Lima, Madrid, Oslo, Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paulo, Vancouver, Vienna. He contributes to the book supplement of Corriere della Sera. His books include: Miti d’amore. Filosofia dell’eros (Bompiani, 2009); Polemos. Filosofia come guerra (2000), La forza dello sguardo (2004), Meglio non essere nati. La condizione umana tra Eschilo e Nietzsche (2008, Premio Capalbio 2009 and Praemium Classicum Clavarense 2010), Imparare a morire (2011), all published by Bollati Boringhieri; Straniero (2010, Premio Frascati), Passione (2013) published by Raffaello Cortina Editore. His next book, L’apparire del bello, will be published this year by Bollati Boringhieri.

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