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Adriano Prosperi

Adriano Prosperi

is Professor of History of Reformation and Counterreformation at Pisa’s Scuola Normale Superiore since 2002. He has taught at the Universities of Calabria, Bologna and Pisa. His main interests are the history of Reformation and Counterreformation, and the history of geographic discoveries and of missions. Prosperi is a member of Italy’s Accademia dei Lincei and Accademia degli Intronati. He regularly contributes to La Repubblica newsdaily. His books include: Tribunali della coscienza. Inquisitori, confessori, missionari (1996); Penitenza e Riforma (1995); Incontri rituali: il papa e gli ebrei (1996); Manuale di storia moderna e contemporanea, written with P. Viola (2000); Il Concilio di Trento: una introduzione storica (2000); Dare l’anima. Storia di un infanticidio (2005); Giustizia bendata. Percorsi storici di un’immagine (2008), and Cause perse. Un diario civile (2010), all published by Einaudi. His latest book, Ebrei, eretici, selvaggi: Granada 1492 is about to be published by Laterza in its ‘Festival della Mente’ series. 

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