the first European festival on creativity


Carlo Freccero

Carlo Freccero

was born in Savona in 1947. He is a leading expert in communications and media. He was head of programming at Fininvest broadcasting, director or RAI-2 from 1996 to 2002, and is currently the director of RAI-4. In his long career he has seen all the subsequent stages of Italian TV: from commercial TV with con Canale 5, Rete 4, La Cinq and Italia 1, to public broadcasting services such as France 2, France 3 and RAI-2, to satellite TV with RAI-Sat, to digital TV. Freccero teaches TV Language and Communication at the universities of Roma Tre and Genova. He is a frequent contributor to specialized publications such as Link. In his latest book, Televisione (Bollati Boringhieri, 2013), he discusses the transformation of Italian TV from the mirror of the country's elites to mass television, and analyzes the deep impact of such changes on Italian society.


Has TV killed creativity and culture?

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