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Walter Siti

Walter Siti critic and historian of literature, one of the most significant voices of contemporary Italian fiction, was born 1947 in Modena, and has been a professor of Italian Literature at L’Aquila University. He has published two volumes of literary criticism, Il realismo dell'avanguardia (Einaudi, 1973) and Il neorealismo nella poesia italiana (Einaudi, 1980); he has contributed to several Italian and foreign reviews with essays on Montale, Penna, Pasolini, and contemporary Italian poetry. He has edited the works of Pasolini for the Mondadori "Meridiani" series and has published five novels: Scuola di nudo (1994); Un dolore normale (1999); La magnifica merce (2004); Troppi paradisi (2006) with Einaudi, and Il contagio (Mondadori, 2008). He lives in Rome.
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