the first European festival on creativity


Carlo Sini

Carlo Sini is Professor of Theoretical Philosophy at the State University in Milan. He is a member of the Accademia dei Lincei, and writes for a number of print media, as well as for the Italian and the Swiss broadcasting system. He has held seminars and lectures in the USA, Argentina, Canada and many European countries. He is the author of around 40 books translated into a number of languages. Following are the titles of a few works in which he set forth his personal theoretical approach to writing: Filosofia e scrittura (Laterza, 1994); Teoria e pratica del foglio mondo. La scrittura filosofica (Laterza, 1997); Etica della scrittura (Mimesis, 2009); Figure dell’enciclopedia filosofica (Jaca Book, 2004); Il gioco del silenzio (Mondadori, 2006); Il segreto di Alice e altri saggi (Alboversorio, 2006); Da parte a parte. Apologia del relativo (Ets, 2008); L’uomo, la macchina, l’automa (Bollati Boringhieri, 2009).
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