Chiara Saraceno
is currently an honorary fellow at the Collegio Carlo Alberto in Turin. E was previously a research professor at the Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin für Sozialforschung and taught Family Sociology first at the University of Trento an then in Turin. She has sat on the Commissione di indagine sulla povertà e l’esclusione sociale in Italia and acted as its president (1998-2001). She collaborates with la Repubblica . Her research focuses on family, relationships between generations and gender, social policy, poverty. Her recent publications include: Conciliare famiglia e lavoro (con M. Naldini, il Mulino, 2011), Coppie e famiglie. Non è questione di natura (Feltrinelli, 2012, new edition to eb released in October 2016), Eredità (Rosenberg&Sellier, 2013), Il Welfare (il Mulino, 2014), Il lavoro non basta. La povertà in Europa negli anni della crisi (Feltrinelli, 2015).