Elena Cattaneo
is a full professor at the University of Milan. She directs the Stem cell biology and neurodegenerative disease pharmacology laboratory of the Department of Bioscience, where she researches Huntington’s disease. She is a confounder and director of the UniStem stem cell research center and coordinator of the new European Neurostemcellrepair commission and of an Italian network that studies stem cells in Huntington’s. Her awards include the Gold Medal assigned by the Italian president Carlo Azeglio Ciampi, for her research in Huntington’s and stem cells (2001); the Luigi Tartufari Prize for Molecular biology and genetics awarded by the Accademia dei Lincei, which she has been a member of since 2013; the Public Service Award, International Society for Stem Cell Research ISSCR (USA, 2014). She was nominated Senator for life by the president of the Italian Republic Giorgio Napolitano, in 2013. In 2016 she published the book Ogni giorno. Tra scienza e politica (Mondadori).