the first European festival on creativity

Press accreditation

Accreditation requests for the 20th edition of Festival della Mente must be sent no later than Monday, August 21st to the festival’s press office: [email protected].

Confirmations will be sent via email between August 23rd and 25th.

Only requests from journalists or newspapers’ collaborators to release press reports will be considered.

We remind that no passes will be available; therefore, we kindly ask to submit a request for each preferred event. Please also note that it will not be possible to ask for more than one ticket per event.

Upon availability of seats, the festival’s press office will provide a free ticket, without which it will not be possible to enter the event.

The accreditation is valid only after receiving a written confirmation from the press office.

The tickets can be collected at the press room of the festival, located on the first floor of the Town Hall in the center of Sarzana. The opening hours, as well as the accreditation confirmation, will be communicated via email.

To arrange interviews or audio / video footage, please send a request to the press office.

For all information: Delos | + 39 02 8052151 | [email protected]


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