the first European festival on creativity


Tim Parks

Tim Parks

was born in Manchester in 1954 but has been living in Italy for over thirty years. A novelist and a professor of Literary Translation at IULM University in Milan, Parks is a regular contributor to The New York Review of Books and Il Sole-24 ore. He translated into English the works of Moravia, Tabucchi, Calvino, Calasso, Machiavelli and Leopardi. He has written a number of essays on aspects of Italian life: Italiani (1995), Un’educazione italiana (2003), both published by Bompiani; Questa pazza fede. L’Italia raccontata attraverso il calcio (Einaudi, 2002). His literary works include: Lingue di fuoco 1995), Fuga nella luce (1998), Adulterio e altri diversivi (2000), Destino (2001), La doppia vita del giudice Savage (2005), all published by Adelphi; Insegnaci la quiete (2010) is an essay on the mind-body relation; also, Sogni di fiumi e di mari (2011) published by Mondadori. His latest book translated into Italian is the novel Il sesso è vietato (Bompiani, 2013).


In conversation with literary creativity

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