Duccio Demetrio
is Professor of Philosophy of Education and Theories and Practices of Writing at the University of Milano Bicocca. He has devoted his research to studying adulthood. He has founded the Accademia del silenzio, the journal Adultità and, together with S. Tutino, the Libera Università dell’Autobiografia di Anghiari, a beacon for all wishing to write their life story and learn its philosophical, educational and therapeutical implications. His books include: Filosofia del camminare (2005), La vita schiva (2007), L’interiorità maschile (2010), all published by Raffaello Cortina; Ascetismo metropolitano (Ponte alle Grazie, 2009); La religiosità degli increduli (EMP, 2011). His books on writing are Raccontarsi (1996); Autoanalisi per non pazienti (2003); La scrittura clinica (2008); Perché amiamo scrivere (2011), published by Raffaello Cortina; I sensi del silenzio (Mimesis, 2012).