Giulio Giorello
Giulio Giorello Giulio Giorello graduated in Philosophy in 1968 and in Mathematics in 1971. He has taught in the faculties of Engineering, Literature and Philosophy, and the Sciences; he holds the Philosophy of Science chair at the University of Milan. From his initial studies in philosophy and the history of mathematics his interests have broadened to include the topics of scientific change and the relationship between science, ethics and politics. He writes for Corriere della Sera and is director of the series Scienza e idee for publisher, Raffaello Cortina. His books include: with L. Geymonat Le ragioni della scienza (Laterza, 1986); Introduzione alla filosofia della scienza, (Bompiani, 1994); Filosofia della scienza del XX secolo (Laterza, 1995); Prometeo, Ulisse, Gilgames. Figure del mito (Raffaello Cortina, 2004); Di nessuna chiesa. La libertà del laico (Raffaello Cortina, 2005).