the first European festival on creativity


Marina Piazza

Marina Piazza Marina Piazza, sociologist, she is a researcher, consultant and trainer for Gender, of which she is President. She was president of the National Commission for equal Opportunities. Her professional interests include analysis of the new  position of women, changes in attitude and behaviour at work and at home, and how life and work time are interwoven. She has taught at La Sapienza University. Her books include: Le ragazze di cinquant'anni (Mondadori, 1999); with B. Mapelli Cuore di mamma (F. Angeli, 2000); con B. Mapelli e M.B. Peducci Maschi e femmine: la cura come progetto di sé (F. Angeli, 2002); Le trentenni. Fra maternità e lavoro, alla ricerca di una nuova identità (Mondadori, 2003); Un po' di tempo per me (Mondadori, 2005).
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