the first European festival on creativity


Tomaso A. Poggio

Tomaso A. Poggio teaches at the Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences; Co-Director,Center for Biological and Computational Learning; Member of the ComputerScience and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory at MIT.  He is author or co-author of over 400 papersin the fields of learning theory, computer science, computational neuroscience,and nonlinear systems theory. He is an honorary member of the NeuroscienceResearch Program, a member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. He hasreceived several awards such as the Otto-Hahn-MedailleAward  of the Max-Planck-Society, the MaxPlanck Research Award from the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, the MIT 50KEntrepreneurship Competition Award, a Laurea Honoris Causa in IngegneriaInformatica from the University of Pavia and the 2003 Gabor Award.
His research is now focused on themathematics and the applications of novel learning techniques to computervision, bioinformatics and computer graphics.
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