Anna Oliverio Ferraris
Anna Oliverio Ferraris AnnaOliverio Ferraris, psychologist and psychotherapist,was born in Biella and studied in Milan and Turin. She moved to Rome in 1970 andhas been professor of Developmental Psychology at La Sapienza University since1980. She has written essays for the layman, scientific papers and school textbooks in which she examines normal and pathological development, education, thefamily, school, the emotions involved in communication and relationships withthe media. She has been a member of the Quality Commission for the Rai and the National Bioethics Committee. She is acontributor to Mente e Cervello, Psicologia Contemporanea, La scuola dell’infanzia,Prometeo. Her most recent books include: Laforza d’animo (Rizzoli, 2003); TV perun figlio (Laterza, 2004); con Alberto Oliverio, Le età della mente (Rizzoli, 2004); Psicologia della paura (Bollati Boringhieri, 2007); Piccoli bulli crescono (Rizzoli, 2007).