Guido Barbujani
has worked at the State University of New York in Stony Brook, at the universities of London, Padova and Bologna, and has taught Genetics at the Università di Ferrara since 1996. He studies human biodiversity and ancient DNA. He is a contributor to Sole 24 Ore. He has published novels, which include Dilettanti (Marsilio, 1993), Dopoguerra (Sironi, 2002), Questioni di razza (Mondadori, 2006), and scientific essays, such as L’invenzione delle razze (Bompiani, 2006), Sono razzista, ma sto cercando di smettere (with P. Cheli, ≪i Libri del Festival della Mente≫, Laterza,2008), Europei senza se e senza ma (Bompiani, 2008). His latest book is called Lascia stare i santi. Una storia di reliquie e di scienziati (Einaudi, 2014).