the first European festival on creativity


Guido Cornara

Guido Cornara Guido Cornara was born in Genoa, graduated in ModernHistory in Rome and lives in Milan. He’s been working in advertising since1983, and has been at Saatchi & Saatchi since 1988, where he is ExecutiveCreative Director for Italy. Over the years he has worked for top clients inItalian advertising: Renault,  WaltDisney, Procter & Gamble, Tiscali, Honda, Omnitel, Intesa Sanpaolo andMondadori just to name a few. He dedicates a lot of his time not only to hisclients but also to social, environmental and humanitarian causes large andsmall, as is in line with the Saatchi & Saatchi tradition. Together withAgostino Toscana he made the film for MTV on the abolition of the death penaltythat won the only award given to Italy at the 2001 Cannes Film Festival (Leoned'Argento).
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