the first European festival on creativity


Gianfranco Ravasi

Gianfranco Ravasi GianfrancoRavasi, born in Merate in 1942 and priest in the Diocese of Milan since 1966.He is  Prefect of the Biblioteca-PinacotecaAmbrosiana (library and art gallery) in Milan,member of the Papal commission for Fine Arts of the Church, professor ofexegesis of the Old Testament at the Theology Faculty of Northern Italy. He hascarried out excavations in the Near East. On Canale 5 every Sunday he presentsthe programme Le frontiere dello spirito (frontiers of the spirit), which focuseson a continuous reading of the Bible. He writes for numerous Italian andforeign specialist newspapers and magazines, including Avvenire,Il Sole 24 Ore, Famiglia Cristiana. Among his numerousbooks are: I Comandamenti (San Paolo,2002); Breve storia dell’anima(Mondadori, 2003); Il bello della Bibbia (San Paolo, 2004), Le sorgenti di Dio (San Paolo, 2005); Ritorno alle virtù (Mondadori, 2005) andBreviario laico (Mondadori, 2006).
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