the first European festival on creativity



Katia Elio and Katia Caradonna studied flute and pianorespectively, graduating from the Civica Scuola di Musica inMilano. Elio came to fame in1980 with the group “Storie Tese” (coming second at San Remo in 1996).He willsoon be bringing out a new album after the many already released. Heworks witha classical repertoire as well as theatre and writing. Katia hasdevoted her career to chamber music. Elio and Katia bumped into eachothertwenty years on, at the supermarket. A partnership was born and theyhave heldconcerts of classic contemporary music with animals as their subject.Chiara Belliti iseditor of children’s literature, and a translator. She is also one ofthepolymorphous creative minds who make up Cervelli Riuniti; a great loverof fibs,she worked with Elio on AnimaliSpiaccicati (Einaudi, 2004) and ViteBruciacchiate (Bompiani, 2006).
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