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Paolo De Benedetti

Paolo De Benedetti was born in Asti in 1927 and graduated in philosophy and qualified in Oriental Languages; he teaches Judaism in Milan, and the Old Testament at the Istituti Superiori di Scienze Religiose of Trento and Urbino. Biblicist, managing director, consultant for many publishing houses, he’s a member of the Asti diocese ecumenical board for interracial dialogue. He has been a regular guest at Uomini e profeti, Rai Radio 3. Among his books: La chiamata di Samuele e altre letture bibliche (1976); Quale Dio? Una domanda dalla storia (1996); Introduzione al giudaismo (1999); A sua immagine. Una lettura della Genesi (2000); Sulla Pasqua (2001); Qohelet (2004); La morte di Mosè e altri esempi (2005); Teologia degli animali (2007), all published by Morcelliana.
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