Miriam Mafai
Miriam Mafai is a journalist and essay writer. She is one of the leading opinionists of La Repubblica. She was a Pds Member of Parliament, parliamentary reporter for L’Unità and editor of the newsweekly Noi donne. In 2005, in recognition of her tireless work as a reporter and keen observer of the 20th century, she received the Montanelli Prize for her lifetime achievement. She is the author of successful books on Italy’s history and social and political life, including Pane nero. Donne e vita quotidiana nella Seconda guerra mondiale (1987; latest edition Ediesse, 2008); Chi è delle donne italiane del ‘900 (Rizzoli, 1993); Dimenticare Berlinguer. La sinistra italiana e la tradizione comunista (Rizzoli, 1996); Botteghe oscure, addio (Mondadori, 1997); Il silenzio dei comunisti, written with V. Foa and A. Reichlin (Einaudi, 2002); Diario italiano 1976-2006 (Laterza, 2008).