the first European festival on creativity


Roberta De Monticelli

Roberta De Monticelli has studied in Pisa, Bonn, Zurich and Oxford, where she worked with Michael Dummett. She holds the chair (the first ever in Italy) of Pilosophy of the Human Person at the San Raffaele University, Milan—a doctrine which is entirely new, even in its name. Her research focuses on the human person, its reality and cognitive modes. She has produced annotated translations of St Augustine’s Confessions (Garzanti, 1990), and of Wittgenstein’s Last Writings on the Philosophy of Psychology (Adelphi, 1990). Her other books include: La persona, apparenza e realtà. Testi fenomenologici 1911-1933 (Cortina, 2000); Dal vivo (Rizzoli, 2001); L’ordine del cuore. Etica e teoria del sentire (Garzanti, 2003); L’allegria della mente (Bruno Mondadori, 2004); Esercizi di pensiero per apprendisti filosofi (Bollati Boringhieri, 2006); La novità di ognuno (Garzanti, 2009).
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