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Maurizio Cucchi

Maurizio Cucchi poet, critic, publishing consultant. His verses appear in many collections of poetry. He has published Poesie 1965-2000 (2001); the novel Il male è nelle cose (2005); the prose writings La traversata di Milano (2007), all with Mondadori. He has won the Viareggio Prize in 1983 and the Montale Prize in 1993. He has translated Balzac, Flaubert, Lamartine, Villiers de l’Isle-Adam, Mallarmé, Prévert and for the Mondadori “Meridiani” series the complete narrative works of Stendhal. He has edited the anthologies Poeti dell’Ottocento (Garzanti, 1978); with S. Giovanardi, Poeti italiani del secondo Novecento (Mondadori, 1996); with A. Riccardi Nuovissima poesia italiana (Mondadori, 2004); Poeti dialettali; and Carlo Porta’s Poesie (Poligrafico dello Stato). He has been editor in chief of Poesia, contributes to Corriere della Sera and Avvenire, and runs a column of poetry in the “Tuttolibri” page of La Stampa.
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