the first European festival on creativity


Giulio Mozzi

Giulio Mozzi (1960) has published several collections of short stories, like: Questo è il giardino (Theoria, 1993 and Sironi, 2005), Mondello Prize for Best Debut; La felicità terrena (Einaudi, 1996), finalist at the Strega Prize; Fiction (Einaudi, 2001). He has taught courses and laboratories on writing and narrative at the Scuola Holden in Turin, the Padua University, the Catania University, and the Biennale dei Giovani Artisti d'Europa e del Mediterraneo. He has written with Stefano Brugnolo a successful Ricettario di scrittura creativa (Zanichelli, 2000) and Manuale di retorica amichevole, scheduled to come out during the Festival della Mente (Sironi, 2008). He’s on the Internet since 2000 with, a bulletin of readings and writings, which in 2006 originated the first Italian web-based publishing house ( He’s consultant on Italian fiction for the publisher Sironi.
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