the first European festival on creativity


Licia Maglietta

Licia Maglietta joined the Falso Movimento group in 1981 before becoming part of the Teatri Uniti company. She has performed on the major stages in Italy and Europe, appearing with the likes of Carlo Cecchi, Mario Martone, Toni Servillo and Elio de Capitani, as well as directing many plays. She made her cinema debut in Morte di un matematico napoletano by Martone (1992); she was directed by Silvio Soldini in Le acrobate (1997), Pane e tulipani (2000), a role for which she won Italy’s top film prize the David di Donatello and a Ciak d'oro as Best Actress, and in Agata e la tempesta (2003). La grande occasione (The Big Chance) is being premiered in Sarzana and will debut in Milan in the autumn.
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