the first European festival on creativity


Paolo Pejrone

Paolo Pejrone

is an architect from Turin. He has studied with Russell Page and Roberto Burle Marx. Since the 1970s, he has been designing landscapes in Italy, France, Switzerland, Saudi Arabia, Greece, England, Germany, Spain, Belgium and Austria. He is a founding member of the Italian Association of Landscape Architecture (A.I.A.P.P.); Italian vice-president of the International Dendrology Society (I.D.S.). He has created and designed the 3-day garden fair at the Castle of Masino, is the founder and president of the Accademia Piemontese del Giardino. He writes for La Stampa, VilleGiardini, RAI and La7. His books include: In giardino non si è mai soli. Diario di un giardiniere curioso (Feltrinelli 2002), Il vero giardiniere non si arrende. Cronache di ordinaria pazienza (Feltrinelli 2003); La pazienza del giardiniere (Einaudi 2009), and I miei giardini (2008), Gli orti felici (2008), Cronache da un giardino (2010), all published by Mondadori Electa.


For a modern garden—in form and substance

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