the first European festival on creativity


Sergio Givone

Sergio Givone

is Full Professor of Aesthetics at the University of Florence since 1991. Prior to that, he has taught at the Universities of Perugia and Turin. He was Humboldt- Stipendiat at the University of Heidelberg. He has lectured and held seminars at Stanford, Columbia, Sorbonne Paris VIII, Lille, Heidelberg, Stuttgart, Madrid (Autonoma and Complutense), Barcelona. He contributes to a number of journals and newspapers, and in 2002 he has founded the journal “Estetica” of which he is the current editor in chief. His books, translated into many languages, include: Storia del nulla (Laterza, 1995); Eros/ethos (Einaudi, 2000); Prima lezione di estetica (Laterza, 2003); Il bibliotecario di Leibniz (Einaudi, 2005); Metafisica della peste (Einaudi, 2012). He ha salso written a few novels: Favola delle cose ultime (Einaudi, 1998); Nel nome di un dio barbaro (Einaudi, 2002) and Non c’è più tempo (Einaudi, 2008).


Invention and discovery. About creation

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