the first European festival on creativity


Alessandra Lemma

Alessandra Lemma

is a psychoanalyst. She is a member of the British Psychoanalytical Society and works as a consultant in clinical psychology. She is visiting professor at the Psychoanalysis Unit of the University College London and at Essex University. She is director of the Psychological Therapies Development Unit at the Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust, and of the clinic of the Psychological Interventions Research Centre at University College London. She is also General editor of the series “The New Library of Psychoanalysis” and Regional editor of the International Journal of Psychoanalysis. Her clinical and research interests focus around disorders of the body image (with particular regard for dysmorphophobia), transsexuality, trauma and development in adolescents. Her books include: Sotto la pelle [“Under the skin”] (2011), and Terapia dinamica interpersonale breve [“Brief Dynamic Interpersonal Therapy”](with M. Target, P. Fonagy, 2012), both published by Raffaello Cortina Editore.


The body as a canvas: depicting/defacing the body

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