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Francesco Costa

Francesco Costa

Francesco Costa (1984) is a journalist and assistant editor of the Post. As an expert on US politics, he has often worked as special correspondent. From 2015 to 2020, he has curated the project Da Costa a Costa, one of the first and most appreciated journalistic podcasts in Italy. On TV, he was author and presenter of the miniseries The American Way, for DAZN, and host of the in-depth programme Cinamerica, on RaiTre. Since 2021 he has been hosting the daily podcast Morning, which collected four awards at the Italian Podcast Awards in 2021. In 2022, he won the Premiolino Award. The New Yorker called him 'a new media phenomenon capable of modernising the role of the journalist in Italian civil society'. With Mondadori he published Questa è l'America (2020), Una storia americana (2021) and California (2022).
ph. credits: Claudio Sforza

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