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Jim Al-Khalili

Jim Al-Khalili

(Baghdad, 1962) is a professor of Theoretical Physics at the University of Surrey, in Great Britain, where he also teaches Science Broadcasting. President of the British Humanist Association, he is also an honorary member of the British Association for the Advancement of Science and an Officer of the Order of the British Empire (OBE). Throughout his career he has been awarded the Michael Faraday Prize and the Kelvin Prize. As a public speaker, he often appears on British television and radio, presenting some of Britain’s most appreciated science documentaries; he also writes for the Guardian e and the Observer. With Bollati Boringhieri he has published La fisica del diavolo. Maxwell, Schrodinger, Einstein e i paradossi del mondo (2012), La casa della saggezza. L’epoca d’oro della scienza araba (2013) and La fisica dei perplessi. L’incredibile mondo dei quanti (2014). His new book, La fisica della vita. La nuova scienza della biologia quantistica, written in collaboration with biologist Johnjoe McFadden, will be published in September.

Interpreter: Marina Astrologo



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