2013 Programme
Adolfo Ceretti, Massimo Cirri
Old fears, new fears
For a variety of reasons investigated by philosophers, sociologists, political scientists and – last but not least – criminologists, the State has lost its central role, and the (real and symbolic) protection it used to offer are waning. In this time of crisis, the fear of the violence that the State’s power used to contain is reemerging in a virulent way. This alarm signal points to the urgent need of restoring the project of the modern State or finding a new one that could protect even the weakest, most vulnerable members of society. On the other hand, there never was a human society where fear did not play a role, or was even deliberately instilled into people in order to build political consensus. A dialogue between a criminologist and a psychologist who share the view that examining old and new fears is a way to try and under stand some of the ongoing changes.
https://www.festivaldellamente.it/it/live-streaming-alessandro-barbero/is a full professor of Criminology at Università di Milano-Bicocca, vice-president of the Italian Criminology Society, scientific coordinator of the Penal Mediation Centre of Milan. His books include: Oltre la paura. Cinque riflessioni su criminalità, società e politica (with R. Cornelli, Feltrinelli, 2013).
Massimo Cirri, a psychologist and a journalist, works in the mental division of the Italian National health service. He has been a TV author, he has created the RadioIncontri held at Riva del Garda, and since 1997 he has written txts and has presented Caterpillar, a Radio 2 show. He has written for theater with Lella Costa, and has been a contributor to Diario, Linus, Smemoranda, Tango and Playboy. His books include: Dialogo sullo -Spr+eco (with A. Segrè, Promo Music, 2010); A colloquio (2009) and Il tempo senza lavoro (2013), all published by Feltrinelli.
Stefano Bartezzaghi, Massimo Recalcati
To inherit or to be creative? Art in the time of disoriented generations