the first European festival on creativity


Vittorio Gregotti

Vittorio Gregotti

born in 1927, is a well-known Italian architect. In 1974 he founded Gregotti Associates, of which he is the current president. He has been professor of architecture at Venice, Milan and Palermo universities, and visiting professor at the universities of Tokyo, Buenos Aires, Sao Paulo, Lausanne, Harvard, Philadelphia, Princeton, Cambridge and at the M.I.T. Between 1974 and 1976, Gregotti was head of the visual arts and architecture section of the Venice Biennale. He is a member of the Academies of San Luca and of Brera, and has received honorary degrees from the Prague, Bucharest and Porto polytechnics. He is a member of the League of German Architects and of the American Institute of Architects. He has been editor in chief of Casabella, Edilizia Moderna, and Rassegna, and is a frequent contributor to Corriere della Sera and la Repubblica. His books include: Contro la fine dell’architettura (2008), Tre forme di architettura mancata (2010), Architettura e postmetropoli (2011), all published by Einaudi; also, Incertezze e simulazioni (Skira, 2011).


City, metropolis and urban design

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