the first European festival on creativity


Franco Cordero

Franco Cordero

is Professor Emeritus of Criminal Procedure at the University of Rome ‘La Sapienza’. He is one of Italy’s leading jurists: one of his textbooks has reached the 17th edition. In his pamphlets and essays, as well as his novels, he has addressed the incricacies of law the mazes of theology. His recent books include: Nere lune d’Italia. Segnali da un anno difficile (2004), Fiabe d’entropia. L’uomo, Dio, il diavolo (2005), L’armatura (2007) published by Garzanti; Che cos’è la giustizia? (with an audio CD-Rom, Luca Sossella Editore, 2007); Aspettando la cometa. Notizie e ipotesi sul climaterio d’Italia (2008), Savonarola (2009), Il brodo delle undici. L’Italia nel nodo scorsoio (2010), Discorso sopra lo stato presente dei costumi degl’italiani. Seguito dai pensieri di un italiano di oggi
(G. Leopardi, 2011); and L’opera italiana da due soldi. Regnava Berlusconi (2012) published by Bollati Boringhieri.

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