the first European festival on creativity

2012 Programme

Event #12

Franco Cordero

The phobia of thinking

Mass lobotomies are usually successful: the intellectual vision entails a cost in terms of Energy consumption and sometimes traumatic emotional strain, because it sees fearful things we would rather not know: to begin with, the biological death sentence under which every animal is born. Hence the flourishing entertainment industry; hence the weight of interests defended by so-called dogmatic truths. The auto-da-fe or burning stake has modern and politically correct equivalents. The intellect requires constant maintenance: it does not take much to atrophy. The hypnosis of the screen and the monitor explains effects that are much more pervasive than those of the soul-carers of old: suffice it to mention the sermons by the friar Savonarola in the cathedral of Florence, or by John Calvin in Geneva—two technocrats of psychological subjugation. So thinking has a hard game to play against psychic inertia, a game that may be lost from the start but is still worth playing.


Franco Cordero

is Professor Emeritus of Criminal Procedure at the University of Rome ‘La Sapienza’. He is one of Italy’s leading jurists: one of his textbooks has reached the 17th edition. In his pamphlets and essays, as well as his novels, he has addressed the incricacies of law the mazes of theology. His recent books include: Nere lune d’Italia. Segnali da un anno difficile (2004), Fiabe d’entropia. L’uomo, Dio, il diavolo (2005), L’armatura (2007) published by Garzanti; Che cos’è la giustizia? (with an audio CD-Rom, Luca Sossella Editore, 2007); Aspettando la cometa. Notizie e ipotesi sul climaterio d’Italia (2008), Savonarola (2009), Il brodo delle undici. L’Italia nel nodo scorsoio (2010), Discorso sopra lo stato presente dei costumi degl’italiani. Seguito dai pensieri di un italiano di oggi
(G. Leopardi, 2011); and L’opera italiana da due soldi. Regnava Berlusconi (2012) published by Bollati Boringhieri.

All theevents2012


Event #1

Gustavo Zagrebelsky

The right to culture, the responsibility of knowledge

Event #2

Marco Santagata

Dante: an egocentric or a prophet? Creativity and writing as a mission

Event #3

Anna Salvo

Sorrow is like a telescope that helps us look into the distance: creatività and suffering

Event #4

Andrea Moro

I speak, therefore I am Like the starry sky: visions of language across the centuries

Event #5

Giulia Lazzarini

WALL – before and after Basaglia

Event #6

Alfredo Lacosegliaz, Paolo Rumiz

I Narrabondi. A reading in music

Event #7

Alessandro Barbero

How did women think in the Middle Ages? St. Catherine of Siena

Event #8

Luca Scarlini

Dancing thought: the body as a thinking mechanism

Event #9

Duccio Demetrio

The tenth Muse: Writing and its myths

Event #10

Giuseppe Civitarese

Get out your colors! Dreaming as the mind’s poetic function

Event #12

Franco Cordero

The phobia of thinking

Event #13


The artist as sacred parasite

Event #14

Marino Niola

Between organic and divine. Food as knowledge, resistance and penance

Event #15

Giacomo Marramao

Power, creativity, change

Event #17

Ascanio Celestini

How stories are born

Event #18

Erri De Luca

Words as tools

Event #19

Ruggero Pierantoni

It’s all a matter of size

Event #20

Andrea Moro

I speak, therefore I am The hidden waft: the secrets of language

Event #21

Marc Augé

The primacy of knowledge

Event #22

Enzo Moscato

Toledo Suite. Concerto spettacolo

Event #23

Alessandro Barbero

How did women think in the Middle Ages? Christine de Pizan

Event #24

Gianfranco Capitta, Rafael Spregelburd

Seven sins that make life possible

Event #25

Gustavo Pietropolli Charmet

Teenagers in school: studying the past, ignoring the future

Event #28

Mauro Agnoletti, Ilaria Borletti Buitoni

Culture, environment, landscape. For a possible, sustainable future

Event #30

Sergio Givone

Invention and discovery. About creation

Event #31

Jacopo Perfetti

La Street Art e il caso Banksy

Event #32

Haim Baharier

Qabbala and an economy of justice

Event #33

Mario Brunello

CELLO AND… hidden voices, revealed voices. A concert

Event #34

Telmo Pievani

When the human mind was born. How we became Homo sapiens

Event #35

Andrea Moro

I speak, therefore I am The word and the flesh: the neurobiology of language

Event #36

Marco Paolini

Of men and dogs. Dedicated to Jack London (music by Lorenzo Monguzzi)

Evento n.11

Paolo Pejrone

For a modern garden—in form and substance

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