2011 Programme
Evento n.2
Giuseppe Penone, Sergio Risaliti
Flowing in time like a river pebble
The chief creative and artistic achievements of one of the most significant and important artists of our time. Giuseppe Penone will show and explain some of his works and installations, such as his terracotta Soffi [Blows], inspired by a Leonardo drawing, or the anatomies—large plant imprints on paper—or the trees, that Penone views as the ‘primary and simplest idea of vitality, culture, and sculpture,’ and have always been a central element in his work. Penone has placed the man-nature relationship at the center of his research, working with non-traditional materials and techniques, in a dialogue with land art, conceptual art and body art. His approach, based upon a poetic relationship with Mother Earth, addressing nature as a creator of pre-cultural forms and unveiling its imaginative dimension, has never been more topical than today.
https://www.festivaldellamente.it/it/live-streaming-alessandro-barbero/Giuseppe Penone’s artistic debut dates back to 1968, when he held his first exhibitions at the Deposito d'Arte Presente and at the Sperone gallery in Turin. He was one of the leading figures of Arte Povera, the critical approach developed by Germano Celant, and began obtaining National and International awards as a very young man. He taught at Paris’ École des Beaux-arts. His works can be admired in some of the world’s most prestigious museums, such as the Guggenheim Museum in New York, the Tate Gallery in London, the Basel Kunstalle, the Stadelijk Museum in Amsterdam, and the Musée Rodin and Centre Pompidou in Paris.
an art historian, is the founder of Le Papesse contemporary art center in Siena. Following are some of the texts he edited: Espresso (Electa, 2000); la Verità, by G. Paolini (Einaudi, 1996). Among his publications are: De Gustibus, with A. Bonito Oliva (Maschietto, 2002); Fausto Melotti: catalogo generale della grafica (2008); Michelangelo. La Zuffa dei Centauri, with F. Vossilla (2008), published by Electa; L’altro David and Metamorfosi del David (Cult Editore, 2010).
Evento n.6
Zygmunt Bauman
Reflections on the notions of community and network, on social networks and Facebook
Evento n.14
Gian Carlo Calza
Different, eccentric, extraordinary: aesthetics and creativity between Asia and the West
Evento n.26
Franco Borgogno
In other people’s hearts and minds. A psychoanalyst between tradition and creativity
Evento n.37
Sonia Bergamasco, Fabrizio Gifuni
A quiet sunny day. Attilio Bertolucci and Pier Paolo Pasolini, a friendship in verse