2011 Programme
Evento N.34
Ennio Peres
Mathematics is the game of life
One of Mister Aster’s aphorisms says: ‘Life is a great game that we happen to be playing without knowing its rules well and without being sure of the prize we can get in the end.’ If it is true that we can’t be sure of the prize, concerning the rules we can safely say that they are of a mathematical nature. For mathematics enters into play in all aspects of our life, from the simplest to the most complex, even if many times we don’t realize that. An entertaining and playful event devoted to a topic that is often considered boring, but instead is a great creative and spectacular game (think of the many meanings of the word ‘number’), designed to help the audience discover curious and unsuspected sides of the great game of life.
https://www.festivaldellamente.it/it/live-streaming-alessandro-barbero/holds a Mathematics degree and has taught Mathematics and Information science. Since the late Seventies he has practiced ‘gameology,’ a profession he himself invented with the intention of spreading by all possible means the creative pleasure of playing with the mind. Author of many books on games, designer of table games and radio and tv games, Peres often contributes to a number of newspaper and periodicals. He has obtained many Italian and international mathematical and puzzle-solving prizes: Personalità ludica dell’anno (2005); Premio Internazionale Pitagora sulla Matematica (2006); Trofeo Associazione Rebussistica Italiana (2008). As a puzzle designer and solver, his specialty are anagrams and various puzzles including crossword. Every year he presents the year’s most difficult crossword puzzle on the Web. His recent books include: Un mondo di coincidenze (Ponte alle Grazie, 2010); L’elmo della mente. Manuale di magia matematica, with S. Serafini (2006), Matematicaterapia (Salani, 2011).
Evento n.6
Zygmunt Bauman
Reflections on the notions of community and network, on social networks and Facebook

Evento n.14
Gian Carlo Calza
Different, eccentric, extraordinary: aesthetics and creativity between Asia and the West

Evento n.26
Franco Borgogno
In other people’s hearts and minds. A psychoanalyst between tradition and creativity

Evento n.37
Sonia Bergamasco, Fabrizio Gifuni
A quiet sunny day. Attilio Bertolucci and Pier Paolo Pasolini, a friendship in verse