2011 Programme
Evento N.35
Luce Irigaray
Saving human energy. Breathing: a source of universal sharing
For Luce Irigaray, her psychoanalytical training and her yoga practice are the point of departure for a meditation on pain and on the way to cultivate a natural energy. Psychoanalysis and yoga can be of help there where traditional medicine fails. Yoga in particular can support ailing persons by means of a practice to restore their energy. ‘Much of today’s political and economic discourse deals with the exhaustion of natural reserves, but there is hardly any mention of the natural reserve of human beings themselves. In order to build a more peaceful and happier future, it would be desirable to deal with these first, above all in connection to the environment, nutrition and gender differences. Bringing together the culture of breathing and the culture of love means to create a bridge between the East and the West, but without either one being culturally subjected to the other.’
https://www.festivaldellamente.it/it/live-streaming-alessandro-barbero/is head of research at the Centre national de la recherche scientifique in Paris. She has a multi-disciplinary training in philosophy, linguistics, psychology, psychoanalysis, and she has been practicing yoga for more than three decades. She is engaged in the construction of a culture of two subjects, male and female, bearers of different values, but equally important in developing connections and civilizations both within the private sphere and in a world human community. Many of her books have been published in Italian: In tutto il mondo siamo sempre in due (2006), Oltre i propri confini (2007), Sessi e genealogie (2007), all by Dalai; Il mistero di Maria (Paoline Editoriale Libri, 2010); and Essere due (1994), La democrazia comincia a due (1994), L’oblio dell’aria (1996), La via dell’amore (2008), Condividere il mondo (2009), Una nuova cultura dell’energia (2011), all by Bollati Boringhieri.
Evento n.6
Zygmunt Bauman
Reflections on the notions of community and network, on social networks and Facebook

Evento n.14
Gian Carlo Calza
Different, eccentric, extraordinary: aesthetics and creativity between Asia and the West

Evento n.26
Franco Borgogno
In other people’s hearts and minds. A psychoanalyst between tradition and creativity

Evento n.37
Sonia Bergamasco, Fabrizio Gifuni
A quiet sunny day. Attilio Bertolucci and Pier Paolo Pasolini, a friendship in verse