2011 Programme
Evento n.19
Enzo Bianchi
Paths of humanization
The French writer Albert Camus once said: ‘Being saints without Godi s the only concrete problem I know of today.’ Paraphrasing those words we may say that the only genuine problem is a spiritual research that aims at making human life into a work of art, a path of full humanization. As human beings, we are not strangers to each other, so we are to listen to each other and to seek together. It is necessary to believe in man, to believe that we can humanize and improve our life together by accepting to look beyond our immediate interests, to a common horizon and a shared hope. Along this path, both believers and non-believers are called to teach each other, show each other, help each other. Our days on Earth are short, and we should live them looking for paths of humanization. The Earth will be more hospitable and life better for all.
https://www.festivaldellamente.it/it/live-streaming-alessandro-barbero/is the prior of the Bose monastic community. He has received an honorary degree in Church History from the university of Turin, and up until 2010 he has taught Biblical Theology at the Milan’s Vita-Salute San Raffaele University. He regularly contributes to La Stampa, la Repubblica, Avvenire and Jesus. He was the founder of the Qiqajon press. He was part of the delegation sent by Pope John Paul II to Ha Moscow to bring Patriarch Alexis II the icon of the Mother of God of Kazan. In 2008 he took part in the Synod of Bishops on ‘The Word of God’ as expert designated by Pope Benedict XVI. Bianchi is a member of the International Academy of Religious Sciences of Brussels and of the International Council of Christians and Jews of London. He has authored many text combining Christian spirituality and humanization paths: I comandamenti. Ama il prossimo tuo (with Massimo Cacciari, il Mulino, 2011); Credere oggi (with Laura Boella, il Margine, 2012); Fede e fiducia (2013) and La sapienza del cuore. Omaggio a Enzo Bianchi (2013) for Einaudi.
Evento n.6
Zygmunt Bauman
Reflections on the notions of community and network, on social networks and Facebook

Evento n.14
Gian Carlo Calza
Different, eccentric, extraordinary: aesthetics and creativity between Asia and the West

Evento n.26
Franco Borgogno
In other people’s hearts and minds. A psychoanalyst between tradition and creativity

Evento n.37
Sonia Bergamasco, Fabrizio Gifuni
A quiet sunny day. Attilio Bertolucci and Pier Paolo Pasolini, a friendship in verse