2011 Programme
Evento n.20
Patrizia Cavalli
Poetry knows everything first
As the brain has two parts, this event is divided in two acts, for discussing poetry and reciting poetry are two different things that cannot be mixed. The tones of the voice and the mental attitudes are so different that trying to mix them risks weakening both of them. So one act, and one voice, to discuss Cavalli’s work as a poet, and another to recite a selection of her poems, arranged according to a principle of inherent and sometimes mysterious connection—the same connection that governs the generation of thoughts. By virtue of language, the poems will find a sort of unity beyond chronology and common discourse.
https://www.festivaldellamente.it/it/live-streaming-alessandro-barbero/lives in Rome. Considered one of the finest voices of Italian poetry, she has published a few successful collections of verse with Einaudi: Le mie poesie non cambieranno il mondo (1974), Il cielo (1981), Poesie 1974-1992 (1992), L’io singolare proprio mio and Sempre aperto teatro (1999), Pigre divinità e pigra sorte (2006). She has won the P.P. Pasolini International Poetry Award, and the Viareggio-Repaci Literary Award-Poetry Section, with her collection Sempre aperto teatro. Einaudi also published her Italian translation of Shakespeare’s Midsummer Night’s Dream, and her translation of Moliere’s Amphitryon was first published in 1981 by Feltrinelli. Nottetempo press has published La guardiana (2005) and La patria (2011).
Evento n.6
Zygmunt Bauman
Reflections on the notions of community and network, on social networks and Facebook
Evento n.14
Gian Carlo Calza
Different, eccentric, extraordinary: aesthetics and creativity between Asia and the West
Evento n.26
Franco Borgogno
In other people’s hearts and minds. A psychoanalyst between tradition and creativity
Evento n.37
Sonia Bergamasco, Fabrizio Gifuni
A quiet sunny day. Attilio Bertolucci and Pier Paolo Pasolini, a friendship in verse