2024 Programme
Event #24
Sunday 1 September, 03.00 pm
Matteotti square1 - euro 4.50
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Matteo Lancini
Beyond gratitude: teenagers and adult fragility
Teenagers are no longer rebellious and do not even have the narcissistic traits of our recent past. "Be yourself, but do it my way" is the paradoxical order issued by a post-narcissistic society that not only demands that children and teenagers are grateful for their existence, but also that they grow up with the contradictions and weaknesses of adults. As a result, anxiety and violence towards themselves and others become the expression of a suffering that cannot find a less desperate and more constructive outlet. What is happening? Can we become mothers, fathers, teachers, and educators who are less fragile and better equipped to understand and meet the developmental needs of young people?
https://www.festivaldellamente.it/it/live-streaming-alessandro-barbero/Matteo Lancini is a psychologist and psychotherapist. He is president of the Minotauro Foundation, where he directs the Technological Addictions Team and the teenager section of the Consultation and Psychotherapy Centre. He teaches at the Milano-Bicocca University and the Catholic University of Milan. He collaborates with various editorial offices and writes for La Stampa. His latest books: “L'adolescente. Psicopatologia e psicoterapia evolutiva” (with L. Cirillo, T. Scodeggio, T. Zanella, Cortina, 2020). “L’età tradita. Oltre i luoghi comuni sugli adolescenti” (Cortina, 2021). “Figli di internet. Come aiutarli a crescere tra narcisismo, sexting, cyberbullismo e ritiro sociale” (con L. Cirillo, Erickson, 2022). “Sii te stesso a modo mio. Essere adolescenti nell’epoca della fragilità adulta” (Cortina, 2023).
Event #43extraFestival
Minotauro Institute, with Loredana Cirillo and Filippo Rosa
Thank you! What we have never told our children and students