2024 Programme
Event #37
Saturday 31st August_ 5.15pm_ Sunday 1st September_10 am
Children / KidsFirmafede Fortress fosse4 - euro 4.50
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Elisa Lauzana, Irene Lazzarin
Strike a pose
Workshop for 8-12-year-olds – 90 minutes – 15 participants
This workshop takes participants back to the beginning of photography by recreating a 19th-century photo set. Participants will play with clothes and accessories, reflecting on self-representation and discovering the very, very long exposure times. Don’t move, or you’ll have surprises!
https://www.festivaldellamente.it/it/live-streaming-alessandro-barbero/Elisa Lauzana, after graduating in New Technologies for Art at the Academy of Fine Arts in Bergamo, Italy, began working in education, using photography as a research language. With Irene Lazzarin, she published “La camera buisssima. Viaggio alle origini della fotografia tra storie, invenzioni ed esperimenti” (Quinto Quarto Edizioni, 2023).
Irene Lazzarin graduated in Photography for Cultural Heritage and Image Graphics at the ISIA in Urbino, Italy. She has worked for several years in the field of teaching photographic languages.
With Elisa Lauzana, she published “La camera buisssima. Viaggio alle origini della fotografia tra storie, invenzioni ed esperimenti” (Quinto Quarto Edizioni, 2023)..
Event #43extraFestival
Minotauro Institute, with Loredana Cirillo and Filippo Rosa
Thank you! What we have never told our children and students