2024 Programme
Event #35
Saturday 31st August_2.30 pm_4.30 pm
Children / Kidsformer Courthouse study hall5 - euro 4.50
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MadLab 2.0, Io Do Una Mano ETS
Let’s lend a hand!
Workshop for 8-12 year olds – 90 minutes – 15 participants
A tinkering workshop that blends technology, creativity, and solidarity: using everyday materials, participants will build a mechanical hand with working tendons and phalanges, enabling it to open and close. They will also observe a 3D printer in action and discover how new technologies can be valuable tools for helping people.
https://www.festivaldellamente.it/it/live-streaming-alessandro-barbero/Event #43extraFestival
Minotauro Institute, with Loredana Cirillo and Filippo Rosa
Thank you! What we have never told our children and students