2023 Programme
Event #21
Gabriella Caramore, Antonella Viola, Rosa Polacco
The age of wonder
The demographic data show it clearly: we live longer and healthier; our country has a very low birth rate and the elderly are always more numerous. But how has the perception of ageing changed over time and why is the threshold of entering the old age moving further and further forward? What are the biological, evolutionary, historical and cultural reasons for this change? And how do we adjust our habits – physical, emotional, relational – so that we can accept the inevitable and mysterious transformations due to the passage of time? With philosopher Gabriella Caramore and immunologist Antonella Viola, this dialogue can help us discover how much wonder there can be in every age.
https://www.festivaldellamente.it/it/live-streaming-alessandro-barbero/is an essayist and radio author. She has collaborated with Rai Radio 3 since 1982 and is the author of numerous radio programmes, including Uomini e profeti (1993-2018). From 2002 to 2005 she taught Religions and Communication at the Faculty of Literature and Philosophy at La Sapienza University in Rome. He contributes to several newspapers. His most recent books include: La vita non è il male (Salani, 2016), La parola "Dio" (Einaudi, 2019) and forthcoming in September L'età grande. Riflessioni sulla vecchiaia (Garzanti).
Antonella Viola, scientist and science communicator, is Professor of General Pathology at the Department of Biomedical Sciences of the University of Padua. With Feltrinelli she has published Danzare nella tempesta (2020), Il sesso è (quasi) tutto (2021) and La via dell'equilibrio. Scienza dell’invecchiamento e della longevità (2023).
Event #15
Martina Mazzotta
Wunderkammer: art, science, wonder. From the Renaissance until the present day
Event #20Approfonditamente
Marianna Aprile, Maurizio Careddu, Enrico Casale, Cristiana Farina, Gianluca Guida
Wonder inside: stories of art and beauty from Italian prisons