2023 Programme
Event #35
Giuseppe Vitale
Like in a circus
workshop ages 5-8 – 60 minutes; 20 participants
Strange things happen in this circus and the bizarre and extraordinary characters we meet invite us to look at the world with confidence and wonder. Some of them will amaze us with jumps and spins; we will give them a voice to make them tell us their story and maybe they will decide to come home with us.
https://www.festivaldellamente.it/it/live-streaming-alessandro-barbero/Giuseppe Vitale was born in Liguria but lives in Emilia Romagna. He studied Medieval History and Illustration for Children. He illustrated Quattro artisti che contano by Anna Cerasoli (Artebambini, 2018), Giochiamo a nascondino (Artebambini, 2022) and Che meraviglia il circo by Marco Moschini (Artebambini, 2022). With Edizioni Libre he published Cesare che porta gli occhiali (2017) and Becco d'aquila (2021).
Event #15
Martina Mazzotta
Wunderkammer: art, science, wonder. From the Renaissance until the present day
Event #20Approfonditamente
Marianna Aprile, Maurizio Careddu, Enrico Casale, Cristiana Farina, Gianluca Guida
Wonder inside: stories of art and beauty from Italian prisons