2023 Programme
Event #34
Isadora Bucciarelli
Little theatre of wonders
workshop ages 7-12 – 60 minutes; 25 participants
In the 17th century, the term 'wonder' was inextricably linked to the theatre, a magic box that, thanks to its mechanisms and spectacular effects, was able to reveal something new and extraordinary. Together we will find out how to create a game of mirrors, a false perspective, a prism of light. Our aim is to transform something taken for granted into something unexpected.
https://www.festivaldellamente.it/it/live-streaming-alessandro-barbero/Isadora Bucciarelli is a set designer, illustrator and paper artist, and has worked at the Teatro alla Scala in Milan. Thanks to the Flatopolis project, she has numerous collaborations with institutions and museums to set up exhibitions and create educational activities, illustrations, and paper toys in which she creates three-dimensional cities from the flat surface of the paper.
Event #15
Martina Mazzotta
Wunderkammer: art, science, wonder. From the Renaissance until the present day

Event #20Approfonditamente
Marianna Aprile, Maurizio Careddu, Enrico Casale, Cristiana Farina, Gianluca Guida
Wonder inside: stories of art and beauty from Italian prisons