2015 Programme
Event #48
Fausto Gilberti
Paint like the masters
ages 6-9 – 60 minutes
maximum participants 25
Imagine taking a brush and painting everything blue like Yves Klein, or action painting with drips and sprays of colour like Pollock. And reproducing Piero Manzoni’s most famous piece (it’s a secret how). The director of this pictorial symphony is Fausto Gilberti. It will be nothing less than an extraordinary concert made with art.
https://www.festivaldellamente.it/it/live-streaming-alessandro-barbero/Fausto Gilberti is an artist: he paints, draws and makes children’s books. He is working on a series of books devoted to 20th century artists, telling their stories through his poetic and ironic touch. Corraini has published his books: Piero Manzoni (2014), Jackson Pollock and Yves Klein (2015).
Event #6
Alessandro Barbero
The historian's responsibility. Gaetano Salvemini: from Socialist interventionism to anti-Fascism

Event #8Approfonditamente
Marco Rossi-Doria, Giulia Tosoni
Kids and school: what, how and where are they learning

Event #13Approfonditamente
Adolfo Ceretti, Simonetta Agnello Hornby, Alfredo Verde
Gender-based violence: Perpetrators, victims and models of intervention.

Event #22
Alessandro Barbero
The historian’s responsibility. Marc Bloch: from the Sorbonne to the Gestapo prisons

Event #25Approfonditamente
Marco Belpoliti, Gianfranco Marrone, Anna Stefi
Laziness, fatigue, and our constant running

Event #26
Eugenio Borgna, Simonetta Fiori
Knowing ourselves and knowing others: a different way of being responsible

Event #35
James R. Flynn, Armando Massarenti
Without an alibi: a voyage across life’s greatest questions

Event #38
Alessandro Barbero
The historian’s responsibility. Ernst Kantorowicz: from the Freikorps to McCarthyism

Event #57Children / Kids
Sante Bandirali e Lorenza Pozzi di uovonero
Read like you’ve never read before