2015 Programme
Event #39
Massimiliano Tappari
Finding wonder close to home
conference – show for all – ages 6 and up
60 minutes
«Genius and irresistible», is how Stefano Bartezzaghi defines the work of Massimiliano Tappari, who is capable of discovering surprises that are hidden right before our eyes with his camera. For kids it will be practice in activating their observation skills. For grown ups an incentive to turn the framework of photography upside down.
With his camera, Massimiliano Tappari tells the stories hidden in small things. He wrote Oooh! Inventario di fotografia (2008) and Coffee Break (2006) published by Corraini and Infanzia di un fotografo (2021) published Topipittori.
With Chiara Carminati he has published A fior di pelle (Lapis, 2018), Ninna No (Lapis, 2019) and Occhio ladro (Lapis, 2020, Italian Andersen Award 2021 as Best Artist Book). In 2022, Piccolo verde was published by Editoriale Scienza.
Event #6
Alessandro Barbero
The historian's responsibility. Gaetano Salvemini: from Socialist interventionism to anti-Fascism

Event #8Approfonditamente
Marco Rossi-Doria, Giulia Tosoni
Kids and school: what, how and where are they learning

Event #13Approfonditamente
Adolfo Ceretti, Simonetta Agnello Hornby, Alfredo Verde
Gender-based violence: Perpetrators, victims and models of intervention.

Event #22
Alessandro Barbero
The historian’s responsibility. Marc Bloch: from the Sorbonne to the Gestapo prisons

Event #25Approfonditamente
Marco Belpoliti, Gianfranco Marrone, Anna Stefi
Laziness, fatigue, and our constant running

Event #26
Eugenio Borgna, Simonetta Fiori
Knowing ourselves and knowing others: a different way of being responsible

Event #35
James R. Flynn, Armando Massarenti
Without an alibi: a voyage across life’s greatest questions

Event #38
Alessandro Barbero
The historian’s responsibility. Ernst Kantorowicz: from the Freikorps to McCarthyism

Event #57Children / Kids
Sante Bandirali e Lorenza Pozzi di uovonero
Read like you’ve never read before