2014 Programme
Event #10
Mauro Ceruti
Europe Risks a New Self-Destruction
Europe must return to its vital source: problematization. And it must first of all problematize itself, regenerating the founding principle of its identity: the principle of unity in diversity, and diversity in unity. Only by rediscovering and taking root in its own tradition can Europe exploit the great opportunity of having a future. It is necessary to regenerate the face of European humanism that exalted the value and dignity of every human being, whoever he or she may be, from wherever he or she may come; the humanism of human rights, the rights of women, liberty-equality-brotherhood, democracy, solidarity. Planetary humanism is concrete humanism: it does not oppose the diverse to the individual, the singular to the general. A consciousness of planetary problems cannot exist without thinking that is capable of connecting the still unconnected notions and the still compartmental thoughts.
https://www.festivaldellamente.it/it/live-streaming-alessandro-barbero/teaches Epistemology of Globalization at IULM University in Milan. He was dean of the Faculty of Education at the Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca and of the Faculty of Humanities at the University of Bergamo. His most recent book is entitled La nostra Europa (Cortina, 2013), co-authored with E. Morin. His books have been translated into many languages, and include: La danza che crea (Feltrinelli, 1989); L’Europa nell’era planetaria, with E. Morin (Sperling & Kupfer, 1992); Origini di storie (Feltrinelli, 1993); Evoluzione senza fondamenti (Laterza, 1996); La sfida della complessità, with G. Bocchi (Bruno Mondadori, 2007); Il vincolo e la possibilità (Raffaello Cortina, 2009).
Event #20
Paolo Cornaglia Ferraris, Marcello Massimini
The Secret of the Consciousness and its Measurement