the first European festival on creativity

2014 Programme

Event #22

Paolo Rossi, Gianmaria Testa

Out of Place

A brand-new performance premiering in Sarzana. Paolo Rossi, the most bizzarre and scathing of the Italian comedians, and Gianmaria Testa, a singer-songwriter who has for some time become accustomed to coming to terms with “other” territories with respect to songs as they are traditionally defined, share a journey that is an open space, a piece of destiny, a time suspended inside which just about everything can fit: music, dream, hope, word, laughter, and, above all, the feeling – an increasingly tangible one – of always and in any case being.out of place. Also on the stage musicians like Emanuele Dell’Aquila (guitars) and Nicola Negrini (double bass, electric bass and U-bass).?Like snow in April/like the too many badly spoken words/ like, so to speak/an actor/who treads the stage/with a singer-songwriter»

Paolo Rossi

is a multifarious actor who goes from clubs to large stages, from traditional theatre to cabaret, from TC to a circus tent proposing his own personal way of performing. Numerous theatrical performances (including Recital, Chiamatemi Kowalski, anti-musicals under Soleri’s direction), travelling performances (Il circo di Paolo Rossi), TV shows (Su la testa, Il Laureato, Scatafascio, Che tempo che fa) and cinema. In November 2012 he debuted with L’amore è un cane blu, la conquista dell’est.

Gianmaria Testa

singer-songwriter, has done more than three thousand concerts across Europe, Canada, USA. His records include: Montgolfières, Extra-Muros, Lampo, Il valzer di un giorno, Altre Latitudini, Da questa parte del mare (Premio Tenco 2007), Solo - dal vivo, Vitamia, il live Men at work. He has collaborated with countless musicians, including Mirabassi, Pietropaoli, Fresu, Rava and artists like Giuseppe Battiston, Marco Paolini, Erri De Luca. In May his book-cum-record was released, entitled Biancaluna, illustrated by Altan (Gallucci).

All theevents2014


Event #1

Mario Calabresi

Rediscovering Reason in Order to Avoid a Shipwreck

Event #2

Francesco M. Cataluccio

The Epidemic of Immaturity: from Peter Pan to Harry Potter

Event #3

Roberto Esposito

Growing Up Is Hard

Event #4

Philippe Petit

Creativity: the Perfect Crime

Event #5

Emanuela Grimalda

Le difettose (The Flawed)

Event #6

Alessandro Barbero

How Do Wars Break Out? World War I

Event #7

Sofia Bignamini

The Explosion of the Mutants

Event #8

Davide Comazzi, Antonio Piotti, Laura Turuani

Other Mothers, Other Fathers, New Adolescents

Event #9

Peter Cameron, Marco Missiroli

One Day this Creativity Will Come In Handy

Event #10

Mauro Ceruti

Europe Risks a New Self-Destruction

Event #11

Massimo Recalcati

Can One Forgive in Love?

Event #12

Giorgio Diritti

The Discovery of the Birth of a Film

Event #13

Matteo Lancini


Event #14

David McCullough jr.

Kids, You Are Not Special!

Event #15

Silvia Vegetti Finzi

New Grandparents for New Grandchildren

Event #16

Katia Provantini

Surviving Middle School

Event #18

Oscar Farinetti

Lots Can Still Be Done, This Is Why the Future Is Marvellous

Event #19

Paola Mastrocola

The Death of Study

Event #20

Paolo Cornaglia Ferraris, Marcello Massimini

The Secret of the Consciousness and its Measurement

Event #21

Christian Raimo, Michele Serra

All Unhappy Families Are Like One Another

Event #23

Alessandro Barbero

How Do Wars Break Out? World War II

Event #24

Fabio Geda

Absolute beginners

Event #26

Anita Nair

New Identity of the Indian Woman

Event #27

Andrea Boeri, Luca Molinari

A Dialogue on the Spaces (and the Things) We Inhabit

Event #28

Luigi Zoja

Generational Crisis, Male Crisis, Italian Crisis

Event #29

Stefano Arienti, Franco Farinelli

Journey and Adventures in Knowledge

Event #30

Errico Buonanno, Chiara Valerio

My Children, Imaginary Marxists

Event #31

Cesare Moreno

School Drops-Out and Their Antagonists

Event #32

Alfio Maggiolini

From Being Kids “Against” to Being Responsible Ones

Event #33

Chiara Saraceno

Inheritance, Tradition, Generational Changes

Event #34

Beppe Severgnini

Creating Doesn’t Mean Improvising

Event #35

Elena Riva

The Myth of Perfection in Contemporary Femininity

Event #36

Marco Belpoliti

Matteo and His Seven Shirts

Event #37

Salut Salon

The Night of Fate

Event #38

Amedeo Balbi, Antonio Pascale

Matter and Freedom: A Dialogue on Free Will

Event #39

Alessandro Barbero

How Do Wars Break Out? The Falklands War

Evento #25

Daniele Novara

Arguing Is Good for You

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