2014 Programme
Event #13
Matteo Lancini
The digital revolution has promoted “vivervirtuale” (living virtually): creative spaces, expressive and relational ambients within which adolescents and young adults experiment with new opportunities for the realization of the self and the social. Matteo Lancini proposes a general definition of the psychological reasons for the “bodiless” relations and games between adolescents, and presents the testimonies of protagonists of the modern digital revolution. The features of this change are the rapid and pervasive dissemination with which the content, idea or creative product appears on the Web. In particular, Lancini analyzes the novelties introduced by the virtual world on the musical scene, in that of videogames and social networks. Participants in the workshop include Emilio Cozzi, Massimo Guarini, Nitro, Flavio Parenti.
https://www.festivaldellamente.it/it/live-streaming-alessandro-barbero/Matteo Lancini is a psychologist and psychotherapist. He is president of the Minotauro Foundation, where he directs the Technological Addictions Team and the teenager section of the Consultation and Psychotherapy Centre. He teaches at the Milano-Bicocca University and the Catholic University of Milan. He collaborates with various editorial offices and writes for La Stampa. His latest books: “L'adolescente. Psicopatologia e psicoterapia evolutiva” (with L. Cirillo, T. Scodeggio, T. Zanella, Cortina, 2020). “L’età tradita. Oltre i luoghi comuni sugli adolescenti” (Cortina, 2021). “Figli di internet. Come aiutarli a crescere tra narcisismo, sexting, cyberbullismo e ritiro sociale” (con L. Cirillo, Erickson, 2022). “Sii te stesso a modo mio. Essere adolescenti nell’epoca della fragilità adulta” (Cortina, 2023).
Event #20
Paolo Cornaglia Ferraris, Marcello Massimini
The Secret of the Consciousness and its Measurement