the first European festival on creativity

2019 Programme

Event #45

Silvia Vecchini, Sualzo

Like a comics

Workshop, ages 11-15 90 minutes
25 participants


How would you be if you were a comics? What would you tell about yourself in the space of a strip or a board? In this laboratory we will draw, invent, write and try to tell about ourselves and our world between reality and imagination.

Silvia Vecchini is author of picture books and of stories for children. Her books have been translated into various languages.

Sualzo Vecchini1

Sualzo is the nickname of Antonio Vincenti, a missed saxophonist and self-taught drawer, author and illustrator.

Together, they wrote and illustrated some graphic novels, among them Fiato sospeso, that won the Orbil Award in 2013 (Tunué, 2011), Forse l’amore (Tunué, 2017), La zona rossa (Il castor, 2017) and 21 giorni alla fine del mondo (Il Castoro, 2019).

All theevents2019


Event #1

Amalia Ercoli Finzi

Space Exploration: today, tomorrow, and… the day after

Event #2

Telmo Pievani

And they called it sapiens

Event #5

Beatrice Venezi, Gioele Dix

A time that is not near

Event #6

Alessandro Barbero

Popular revolts in Medieval Europe.
The Jacquerie of French peasants (1358)

Event #7Approfonditamente

David Monacchi

Fragments of extinctions

Event #8

Francesca Rossi

Our future with A.I.

Event #9

Bertrand Badré

Will finance save the world?

Event #11

Luigina Mortari

Taking care of oneself, of others, of the world

Event #12

Antonello Provenzale

How is Earth’s climate changing?

Event #13

Lina Bolzoni

The art of reading between past and future

Event #14

Massimiliano Valerii

The end of «the end of history»

Event #15

Filippo Tuena

Scott: future’s first explorer

Event #16Approfonditamente

Dario Bressanini, Lucilla Titta

Yesterday’s and tomorrow's diets. How to survive fake news?

Event #17

Carlo Ratti

Open Source Architecture

Event #18

Edward Bullmore

The inflamed mind

Event #19

Massimo Recalcati

Will it still be possible to love you?

Event #20

Andrea Moro

The race and the language: the future that does (not) expect us

Event #21

Paolo Colombo, Michele Tranquillini

Ernst Henry Shackleton. The hero who defeated the Arctic

Event #22

Umberto Orsini, Paolo Di Paolo

The future of the theatre

Event #24

Alessandro Barbero

Popular revolts in Medieval Europe. The rebellion of the Ciompi (1378)

Event #25

Roberto Celada Ballanti

The destiny of a community and many religions: is there a dialogue for the future of humanity?

Event #26

Valter Tucci

The Evil’s genes

Event #28

Alberto Giuliani

Looking for immortality

Event #29

Filippo Grandi

Refugees’ future

Event #30

Mauro Agnoletti

What is the perspective of the future of Italy and of the world?

Event #31Approfonditamente

Marco Ortenzi, Marco Parolini

The real truth about plastic and bioplastic (maybe)

Event #32

Barbara Mazzolai

Robots of the future and plants

Event #34

Stefano Laffi

Re-writing the future of our children

Event #35

Ilaria Bonacossa, Massimo Bartolini

City art versus outskirts art

Event #36

Matteo Nucci

Achilles, Odysseus and the truth of the future

Event #37

Atelier dell’Errore

Prototypes of prophetic zoology

Event #40

Alessandro Barbero

Popular revolts in Medieval Europe. English peasants’ revolt (1381)

Event #41Children / Kids

Carlo Carzan, Sonia Scalco

Leonardo, the genius that saw the future

Event #43Children / Kids

Dino Ticli

The Earth, a troubled planet

Event #44Children / Kids


The city is sounding

Event #49Children / Kids


Screened into future

Event #50Children / Kids

Anna Cerasoli

The Pi and geometry party

Event #51Children / Kids

Teatro dell’Orsa

Futura. Postcards from life

Event #53Children / Kids


If I see, do I believe?”

Event #57Children / Kids

Andrea Vico

Understand and then choose

Event #58Children / Kids

Francesca Sanna

And you, which fear do you have?

Event #59Children / Kids


Touching the sky with a finger

Event #60Children / Kids

Federico Taddia

Revolution is done by feet!”

Event #61didatticaMente

Anna Cerasoli

Matemathics: food for the mind

Event #62didatticaMente

Alberto Pellai, Barbara Tamborini

The emotive education of the hyper-connected generation

Event #64didatticaMente


I’m here too! Let the kids speak

Event #65didatticaMente

Stefano Laffi

Imagination and re-generation exercises

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